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Club Moorings

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RLYC Guide lines relating to the usage of Club moorings:

  • The Trinity Landing
  • The London Landing
  • The Members Whitegates Pontoon.

The Trinity Landing

1. Twenty metres of the Northerly end of the Trinity Landing (TL) are leased by and intended for the exclusive use of RLYC Members at no charge. The area is designated by two pontoon piles with white painted tops.
2. Members shall be permitted to moor on either side of the TL in a seaman like manner although vessels shall moor only one deep on the seaward side. It is forbidden to moor at the Northern end of the TL.
3. Mooring by Members is on a first come first served basis. Members are asked to show consideration for other Members wishing to berth their vessels and shall not berth in the middle of the TL when there is space at either end.
4. Mooring is strictly at Members own risk and no liability for damage or loss will be accepted by RLYC howsoever caused.
5. Mooring is for a maximum consecutive period of 72 hours (save in Cowes Week when Rule 10 applies). Time shall run from 10.00am to 10.00am daily and after the maximum period of mooring no return is permitted for 24 hours.
6. A RLYC burgee must be displayed. Ensigns shall not be worn between sunset and 08.00. and 09.00 from 1st November to 31st March
7. Any vessel not flying a RLYC burgee shall be reported to a Flag Officer, Committee member, the Secretary or Coxswain for the appropriate action to be taken.
8. Members of Reciprocal Clubs shall not be permitted to berth without express permission from a Flag Officer, Committee Member the Secretary or Coxswain and if granted shall fly their burgee.
9. Any non-member visitor or guest mooring on the TL without permission will be committing a trespass and will subject to:
a. The vessel being impounded or,
b. A fine or charge of £10.00 per metre per hour and/or.
c. The vessel being moved to the public area of the TL. In that event no claim for damage or compensation will be entertained.
10. Absent a Flag Officer, Committee member or the Secretary the Coxswain has authority of the GC to enforce these Rules.
11. During Cowes Week:
a. Rule 5 is disapplied and instead berthing is allowed for a maximum of 24 hours from 10.00am each day with no return for a period of 24 hours.
b. RIBS are not permitted to moor on the TL
12. The General Committee may in its absolute discretion fine of charge any Member for a breach of any of these Rules

The London Landing.

1. The London Landing (LL) is intended for the exclusive use of RLYC tenders, Members RIBS and small craft not exceeding 7 metres in length at no charge. The area is designated by two pontoon piles with white painted tops surmounted by RLYC flags.
2. Priority must be given to the Club launch and RIB, thereafter Members shall be permitted to moor on either side of the TL in a seaman like manner at the direction of the Coxswain.
3. Mooring is on a first come first served basis. Members are asked to show consideration for other Members wishing to berth their vessels and shall not berth in the middle of the LL when there is space at either end. It is permitted to raft up in a seaman like manner provided there is no obstruction to the use of the TL or the RYS harbour.
4. Entrance and exit from the LL is by a combination lock on the gates onto the Parade. The gates shall be kept locked at all time to prevent access to the LL by the public except in an emergency.
5. Mooring is strictly at Members own risk and no liability for damage or loss will be accepted by RLYC howsoever caused.
6. RLYC burgee or other insignia denoting membership of RLYC must be displayed.
7. Mooring is for a maximum consecutive period of 72 hours (save in Cowes Week when Rule 10 applies). Time shall run from 10.00am to 10.00am daily and after the maximum period of mooring no return is permitted for 24 hours.
8. Any vessel not flying a RLYC burgee or other insignia shall be reported to a Flag Officer, Committee Member, the Secretary or Coxswain for the appropriate action to be taken.
9. Members of Reciprocal Clubs are permitted to moor if space is available and must fly their club burgee.
10. Any non-member visitor or guest mooring on the LL without permission will be committing a trespass and will subject to:
a. The vessel being impounded or
b. A fine or charge of £10.00 per metre per hour and/or.
c. The vessel being moved to the public area of the TL. In that event no claim for damage or compensation will be entertained.
11. Absent a Flag Officer, Committee Member or the Secretary the Coxswain has authority of the GC to enforce these Rules.
12. During Cowes Week Rule 6 is disapplied and instead berthing is allowed for a maximum of 24 hours from 10.00am each day with no return for a period of 24 hours.
13. The General Committee may in its absolute discretion fine of charge any Member for a breach of any of these Rules

The Members Whitegates Pontoon
Located near UKSA, South of the Floating Bridge

1. RLYC Members have exclusive use of the Whitegates Pontoon (MWP) at no charge. The mooring area is between the piles marked "RLYC"
2. Members shall be permitted to moor on either side of the MWP in a seaman like manner.
3. Mooring by Members is on a first come first served basis. Members are asked to show consideration for other Members wishing to berth their vessels and shall not berth in the middle of the MWP when there is space at either end.
4. Mooring is strictly at Members own risk and no liability for damage or loss will be accepted by RLYC howsoever caused.
5. Mooring is for a maximum consecutive period of 14 days (save in Cowes Week when Rule 11 applies).
6. A RLYC burgee must be displayed. Ensigns shall not be worn between sunset and 08.00. and 09.00 1st November to 31st March
7. Any vessel not flying a RLYC burgee shall be reported to a Flag Officer, Committee Member, the Secretary or Coxswain for the appropriate action to be taken.
8. Members of Reciprocal Clubs shall not be permitted to berth at the MWP
9. Any non-member visitor or guest berthing on the MWP without permission will be committing a trespass and will subject to:
a. The vessel being impounded or
b. A fine or charge of £10 .00 per metre per hour and/or.
c. The vessel being moved to the public area of the TL. In that event no claim for damage or compensation will be entertained.
10. Absent a Flag Officer, Committee Member or the Secretary the Coxswain has authority of the GC to enforce these Rules.
11. During Cowes Week:
a. Rule 5 is disapplied and instead berthing is permitted only by application to the Secretary and when the appropriate fee has been paid.
12. The GC may authorise "Annual Berths" (AB) at the MWP. These shall be allotted at the sole discretion of the GC and at such cost as they shall from time to time determine. In the event that there are more applicants for AB's than there are spaces the GC will hold a ballot to determine those Members and their vessels eligible for the season.


  • The Club will accept no responsibility whatsoever for any damage caused to any boat whilst berthed alongside the Trinity Landing, London Landing or Whitegates Pontoon.
  • Anyone failing to comply with these Mooring Guidelines may be reported to the Club Secretary for subsequent administrative action, which might lead to the withdrawal of the privilege of berthing on the Club's berthing facilities.

Last updated 10:43 on 6 February 2024

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